Derek Wood Software Engineer - Cloud, Web, AI - All work and code cleared for public release.

Video Rental Store RESTful Backend (NodeJS, MongoDB, Jest, TDD)

Code on GitHub

In this project, I used Express to implement a RESTful API for a video rental store backend. I employed TDD using Jest (a wrapper around Jasmine). I also manually tested the endpoints using Postman while developing and for testing the JWT.


  • Input validation
  • Middleware - for handling errors (a clean way to set up a try/catch block around the functionality of all of the API calls)
  • Configuration section - for storing the private key for the JWT (JSON Web Token), which just ended up referencing an environment variable
  • Debugging - Used winston for logging at different levels.
  • Database Integration - I used Mongoose to interface with mongoDB to perform the necessary CRUD operations.
  • Authentication - bcrypt for hashing passwords. Issues a JWT that some of the API endpoints require to return data.

Here is an example of Jest tests running and giving you a sense of the API.

Jest Jest